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Shout Outs & Huge Thanks

Toody Froody the ‘King of Vert’: for tolerating the inevitable haze of early prototyping … and allowing the smoke to clear (now safe to breathe!)

JKB & SSB: for being soooo good.  Mummy loves you x

Richard: for your patient interpretation of original designs & concepts; and for recommended next steps.

M:  for corner marketing, keeping us off the streets of Great Britain and posting us global.  Click Click.

Brenda: for your wise words and belief !

The Casting Crew: Charming ‘A’ for the Grand Garden Tour & Knightly ‘K’ for sharing the vibe and opening the door !

D’Sky: for Mastering The Art, being such a gentleman; sharing the vision & the journey.   

Steven: North, South, East & West is best!

P&P for re-defining the ‘fine line’: Kieran’s The Man Who Can!

AA: for playing Tag   

The faithful Hard Hat: for providing the ultimate relief!

Dawn @ Greville Street:

for making her mark!

L & R: for your vote of confidence & for keeping

so much under your hat for so long !

Hilary: for being a true friend and a first customer x

PS ‘Clapping is far too aggressive!’  

Jack Johnson: for averting a ‘head on collision’ and keeping me awake on the long journeys home.

Helen: For being such a gem!

Sammy & Eddie: The  Chain Gang - one floor up!

And to all other friends and family who continue to resemble sounding boards with smiles.  You know who

you are!